3 Important Things To Do Before You Buy Land

Land for sale Leavenworth

Investing in Land

Thinking of investing in land?

When you think of real estate investments,  rental homes and commercial properties come to mind. At the very least, they certainly are the most common.

But what about land? Investing in land can turn out to be a very savvy investment if executed correctly.


1. Check deed restrictions.

Before purchasing land, check for any deed restrictions that may limit what you can and can’t do on your property and exactly how binding these limits are. If you’re working with a Realtor, chances are they’ll have this information. Even if they do, make sure you do your due diligence and check the OFFICIAL property deed at your county clerk’s office. 

You may encounter:

  • Minimum or maximum dwelling square footages
  • Rules against outbuildings or auxiliary structures
  • Limits on building styles and materials you can use
  • Other limits about how and what you can build

Here is a link to the city of Leavenworth’s development standards.


2. Verify mineral, timber, water, and access rights.

Another consideration to keep in mind is whether the property comes with its mineral, timber, water, and access rights or if a previous owner has sold them off. You may purchase the property with or without them but assess the risks. Check with a property rights lawyer in the county and state that you wish to make your purchase in to ensure you don’t jeopardize your dreams over legal technicalities. 


3. Check zoning and ordinances.

If you’re planning to build a house on your land, verify the property’s zoning and associated ordinances with what you can or cannot build. The same is true if you’ll want to add auxiliary structures like sheds, barns, tiny houses, wind turbines, solar panels, etc. There may be square footage requirements for permits, types of structures that are not allowed, boundary setback requirements, and more. Every state, county, and municipality is very different, so be sure to check with your local government(s) to ensure you don’t jeopardize time, efforts, or your investment.

Ours were available easily enough online through our county’s official website. Of course, deciphering the legal jargon in it is another matter. Be a careful and diligent reader!

Leavenworth zoning


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